Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Music... Wednesdays?

Maybe I'll make music... Mondays... a thing. Music Wednesdays doesn't have a fantastic ring, but I have no patience and wanna post music recommendations now.

So, Foster the People just put out a new album, "Supermodel." It's really really good. So is their first album, "Torches," which I'm now finally listening to all the way through.

All of Daniela Adrade's covers and original songs are really good.

This song is silly. And surprisingly catchy.

There you have it.

Monday, March 24, 2014

oops it's been a quarter

Winter quarter just ended on Saturday.


It was simultaneously more and less difficult than fall quarter, but it definitely involved less sleep.

And that's that. Moving on.

I've spent basically all day in bed. I can count the number of times I've stood up today on, tops, one and a half hands. I know that's not really the best way to count how many times I've stood up today, so let's say the blood isn't being properly circulated to my brain or something else that might happen from not moving enough.

I got all caught up on "Community," I finally watched "A Very Potter Senior Year," and, now, I'm watching DailyGrace videos.

I've got to do something tomorrow.

It's evening now. What can I do today? My plans are basically just to workout and relax some more. I might make a cover, I might make a vlog, I might just end up watching "2046" and then rewatching old episodes of "Buffy."

Actually, now that I've mentioned it, watching "Buffy" sounds really nice.

This upcoming quarter will hopefully come with a lot more free time. I'm planning to volunteer with the campus radio station, attend club meetings again, actually go to lap swim and not just get scared away by mean people, and, hopefully, put up more videos and blog posts.

We'll see how that goes.

Hope all is well with you 5 followers!