Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How to enjoy your last bit of summer

I know why I'm writing this post. It's because there's no better incentive to do something than knowing that there's something entirely different that you should be doing instead.

My summer's almost over (it already feels like it's over because all these clubs and groups are deciding to start meeting and making us students do things before school even starts), and I'm worried I may have wasted it. I'm sure there are other people, students or otherwise, who feel similarly and want to be able to look back on their summer with satisfaction rather than mild disappointment. To help myself and anyone else interested achieve that goal, I've made some guidelines for "How To Enjoy Your Last Bit Of Summer And Not Hate Your Past Self For Wasting So Much Time Seriously Come On Did I Really Need To Watch All Those Cat Videos." Of course, some of them won't be universally relatable, but I can only write from what I know.

  1. Get off tumblr. For anyone who has discovered how ridiculously addicting tumblr is, it may be tempting to sit inside all day looking at pretty pictures of people doing things outside instead of actually doing things outside yourself, but after the third day of wondering what happened between 9 a.m., when you woke up early to be productive, and 1 a.m. the following morning, when you finally managed to tear yourself away from your computer screen, you'll start to regret ever hearing of tumblr. (If this is the first time you've ever heard of tumblr... I'm sorry. Also, this guideline has now done the opposite of what I intended it to. Rather than enjoying your last bit of summer, you may find yourself spending countless consecutive hours looking at Sherlock gifs and pictures of Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield. Try to resist, for summer's sake.)
  2. Wake up early enough that you can still do something fun with your day. While sleeping late may feel nice, it does steal away some of the time in which you could be doing other things.
  3. Even when you're stuck in one place, where there is seemingly little to do, don't let yourself become bored. There's always something to do. You're only bored if you're boring. (Too harsh? Sorry.)
  4. If you haven't done the stereotypical "summer stuff," get out there and do it now, while the weather's still warm enough and you're still free enough. Haven't spent a day lounging around by a pool, or swimming around in a pool, or at a beach, or on a hike, or having a picnic? Haven't had an insane all-nighter movie night? Haven't gone to a fair, or a carnival, or a concert? Do it now! You might not have time once summer's over.
  5. Do the things you promised yourself during the school year that you'd do during the summer. You owe it to Past You (typing that makes me think of when, in "How I Met Your Mother," Present Ted says he hates Past Ted) to do the things you spent whole class periods daydreaming about.

And, by the way, I'm Violet. I am, among other things, a Nerdfighter, a Whovian, a Browncoat, and a Sherlockian. How/who are you? I'd genuinely like to know! Some things I intend to do with this blog include reviewing things, making lists, and hopefully also making both sense and good points.

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