Thursday, February 20, 2014

3 a.m. is child's play

In one of my classes today, my professor said she sometimes gets emails from students at 3 a.m.. My friend who comes to the gym with me from 12-1 a.m. and rarely goes to bed before 4 just looked at me and started laughing, and I joked that 3 a.m. was nothing. Today, though, the one assignment I was planning to do is essentially done, and I just have to prepare some stuff for my chemistry lab tomorrow, and then I'm done for the night. I don't even know what to do with myself.
Maybe I'll wake up at 8 instead of 9:30! Maybe I'll wake up at 7! Maybe I'll - wait for it - eat breakfast.
I used to wake up at 5:45 every morning and go to sleep at 9:30 or 10:30, at the beginning of high school. By the end, I was going to sleep more often around 12:30, but I was still getting up by 6 everyday to go to my 7:20 classes. Nowadays, I'm rarely awake before 8:30 and rarely asleep before 3:30. I don't remember the last time I looked at the clock and saw it was 7 a.m..
I would love to start waking up early again, but, honestly, I also do enjoy staying up late. Maybe if I go to bed a little earlier, though, just so I can get up a little earlier, too, it would be a good idea.
Next year, when I live near a tiny pool and don't have to worry about being the slowest swimmer in a campus pool's slow lane (because tiny pools don't have lanes!), I might go back to getting up around 6 every day to swim, the way I did a few summers back. Maybe I'll do that this summer, too, now that I have a bike and can get to the pool without my mom complaining about the time.

Maybe not, though.

We'll see.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Sick and tired... well, sick.

I know, I know; I'm sorry. I should just stop thinking I'm gonna write regularly ever at this point.

So, I've had a cold or something the last week. The fever's been dying down, but, just as I was getting hopeful about things... Turns out I've got pink eye now, too.

Life's a bundle of fun when you're sick, can't touch anything, and have a midterm on Wednesday.

In other news, three friends and I have settled on an apartment for next year, and I've gone into interior design overdrive. We've been discussing color palettes, and it seems we're currently leaning towards overall cool, off-white tones, like those of the floors and walls already, with maroon, dandelion, and sky blue accents scattered about. I'm also planning to plaster maps onto furniture, at least in my room. If it turns out well, it might spread throughout the apartment. Otherwise, we'll probably paint accents onto cheap used or Ikea furniture. Or, rather, I'll probably paint accents onto cheap used or Ikea furniture. It's a bit of work and I'm the most attached to the idea.

I've spent the week and weekend more-or-less holed up in my room. Got any TV show recommendations?