Thursday, February 20, 2014

3 a.m. is child's play

In one of my classes today, my professor said she sometimes gets emails from students at 3 a.m.. My friend who comes to the gym with me from 12-1 a.m. and rarely goes to bed before 4 just looked at me and started laughing, and I joked that 3 a.m. was nothing. Today, though, the one assignment I was planning to do is essentially done, and I just have to prepare some stuff for my chemistry lab tomorrow, and then I'm done for the night. I don't even know what to do with myself.
Maybe I'll wake up at 8 instead of 9:30! Maybe I'll wake up at 7! Maybe I'll - wait for it - eat breakfast.
I used to wake up at 5:45 every morning and go to sleep at 9:30 or 10:30, at the beginning of high school. By the end, I was going to sleep more often around 12:30, but I was still getting up by 6 everyday to go to my 7:20 classes. Nowadays, I'm rarely awake before 8:30 and rarely asleep before 3:30. I don't remember the last time I looked at the clock and saw it was 7 a.m..
I would love to start waking up early again, but, honestly, I also do enjoy staying up late. Maybe if I go to bed a little earlier, though, just so I can get up a little earlier, too, it would be a good idea.
Next year, when I live near a tiny pool and don't have to worry about being the slowest swimmer in a campus pool's slow lane (because tiny pools don't have lanes!), I might go back to getting up around 6 every day to swim, the way I did a few summers back. Maybe I'll do that this summer, too, now that I have a bike and can get to the pool without my mom complaining about the time.

Maybe not, though.

We'll see.

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