Thursday, July 17, 2014

Failed-ish Plans (Summer Week 5)

I thought I'd get those last three goals done. I really did. Instead, I finished Orange is the New Black, actually did read the fun book I'd planned to read weeks ago, went on a short hike in sandals with one-inch heels, got lost on said hike, hung out with friends (Two consecutive days of socializing! Summer record!), spent time with someone I love, and went to lap swim. So, while I didn't accomplish much from my list, I did do a lot of things that were arguably more enjoyable.
Goals Met
  • Actually do something creative. I started working on ideas for a comic I'd like to finish by the end of the summer, at the latest. I'm thinking it'll be about hometowns.
Goals Met... Sorta
  • Try making sorbet. If I made a smoothie that included peaches, does that count? I think it sort of counts.
Goals Not Actually Met At All
  • Start studying for my driving test. I haven't started studying for it at all, but I'm still planning to take it this upcoming week. I'm sure the deadline will make me get started soon...
New Goals
  • Test out furniture renovation ideas (at least one). Using old bed boards and the backs of broken IKEA dresser drawers, I'd like to give plastering a map to wood a try, as well as painting on designs using carefully applied painters' tape. Maybe I'll try out an ombre print, as well. I'm hoping to achieve the desired results at least well enough to decide if I want to try them again on actual pieces of furniture.
  • Write out and make significant progress in planning the aforementioned comic. Once I've got this part down, I just have to do the actual drawing... Which is a terrifying idea.
    • Get new art supplies... to replace, for example, the pens I bought just a few months ago, which are practically dry now. Without pens, how can I make a comic?
  • Do a new cover. Any song suggestions?
  • Do all this by Tuesday, the 22nd, to get these posts back on track. Last week's late post sort of messed up this week's posting schedule, so I'm giving myself a shorter deadline to make myself post closer to the beginning of the week again.
Wish me luck!

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