Friday, August 15, 2014

Oops! (Summer Week 9 - Sorta)

Week 9 isn't over yet!
So, I didn't post. I did a lot this week! I've been drawing a ton, I went to a going-away party, I saw some visiting friends, I went running for the first time in two months... But, on Tuesday, I didn't have anything going on. I could have posted. I just didn't.

Goals Met
  • Draw something and post it to tumblr. I posted drawings three different times, and I'm going to keep doing it! My posts got one note each at first (from my boyfriend liking them because he's the sweetest), and then friends started seeing them and liking them, and the note counts went up higher! I'm feeling pretty okay!
  • Make a tough decision. I'm not going to go into much detail, but making plans for myself (about visiting people, going on road trips - or not) has been hard, and I'm trying to do that. What's more, I decided to swim at my friend's party. That meant wearing a swimsuit. Sure, I felt self conscious... But I did it!
Goals Met... Sorta
  • Send the letters and packages I always mean to send and never get around to sending. I started writing a letter. That counts a little, right?
Goals Not Actually Met At All
  • Write a short story or short screenplay. This one didn't even happen a little bit.
New Goals
  • Keep drawing and doing art-y things. The week's almost over. I'm tired and warm and sweaty. I wanna keep drawing. That's all I'm feeling up to today.

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