Saturday, September 22, 2012

Things I like doing when I'm sick

The following is a post I wrote a while back, but never got around to publishing:

I've been sick for a little over a week. Last weekend, it started to really hit me, but I (seemingly) slept it off. For the rest of the week, I had a runny nose, but that was my only real symptom. Now, it's back with a vengeance. So, here's a list of things I like to do when I'm sick (but can't do this time, because I really don't wanna have to miss school tomorrow and make up tests and homework and ugh it's just way too hard to miss school now):

  • Sleep.
  • Watch movies my family (and me, too) would normally give me a hard time for watching. Some past movies that fall into this category are "When In Rome" and "P.S., I Love You."
  • Watch/catch up on tv shows. Last night, for example, I lay in bed watching How I Met Your Mother for a good few hours before going to sleep.
  • Eat soup/drink tea/drink hot chocolate. I know eating or drinking dairy when you're congested only exacerbates things... but I like tea with milk and hot chocolate! And I'm sick! Leave me alone!
  • Not doing anything that really requires a lot of thinking. Because... uh, I dunno.

So, you may have noticed that all of the above activities are also Things That People Do To Relax. I probably got sick because I was already stressed out and not in great health due to lack of sleep and the aforementioned stress and then someone else decided that they couldn't handle missing school*.

*It's ok, buddy. I get why you came to school sick. I get that the cons of staying home outweighed the pros. I get that you had a big test, that your AP classes have really unhelpful late work policies, that you had a lot of homework due and a lot of big lessons to sit through, and it was more stressful to think about doing all the late work than to just go to school despite being sick and power through the congestion. I get it.

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