Wednesday, September 26, 2012

On Not Knowing

I'm applying for colleges. I don't know where I want to go, or what I want to do.

Before, I was pretty closed-minded. I thought, "I'll be a teacher," or I didn't think anything at all.
I thought, "I'm not good enough at music to go into that."
I thought, "I'm not good enough or interested enough in sciences to go into that."
I never even thought about writing, acting, engineering.

Now, suddenly, I'm thinking, "I love movies! TV! Books! Everything! I'll write screenplays!"
I'm thinking, "I'll become an actor! I mean, I really do love movies and TV!"
I'm thinking, "I'll go into music anyway, and learn every instrument ever, and compose music!"
I'm thinking, "I love animals! I'll become a vet!"

But, to be honest, I still have no idea what I want to do, and I don't know where I want to start. I'm only a kid, by most interpretations, and challenges like college applications and career choices take a lot of thinking and planning and work, and, most importantly, a lot of starting, and I find myself coming up against this big wall of responsibility and freedom and it's scary, and, instead of climbing over it or going around it or breaking through it or something, I've just taken to pretending the wall isn't there and instead just staying on the side of it I was on originally and pacing back and forth, muttering about unimportant things that have nothing to do with all the very real deadlines that are fast approaching.

I see the freshmen walking around campus, and I just want to walk over to them and hug them. I want to do the same to the juniors. The freshmen are so far from where I am right now. The juniors are so close, but they still feel so far. EDIT: WOW, that sounds condescending. I'm pretty sure I didn't mean it that way.

Do you know what I mean about the wall? Do you ever get like that? And how do you get over/through/around the wall?
OK. Back to homework, and college-searching, and "Community."

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