Monday, August 26, 2013

Antsy, artsy, ranty

So, for the past week or so, I've had a post idea ready in my head... But there are still some things I need to do before I can make this post idea post-idea, if you will, and, when I say "I need to do" them, I mean "I'm waiting on them to be done." So, I've been sitting here, ready and a-waitin' to write that blog post, and it's still not ready, and, today, I realized, "Hey! It's been a week since I last blogged! Why?"
Well, I've been waiting on those things to get done.
Each day, I've thought, "Oh, I'll be able to post it tomorrow! I'm sure everything'll be ready then!"
...Nope. A little frustrating, but oh, well.

So, finally, I'm giving up on having that post be this post. That post will happen, but it won't happen now.

Get it?
Got it?

So, I've been having this antsy "I wanna take pictures and get them developed and do stuff!" thing going on today, as well as an "Ow, why am I so sore? I worked out in the morning yesterday! If this was gonna happen, it should have happened sooner!" thing and an "Aaah, good mornin - it's 1 p.m.. By the time I get around to doing anything, everything will be closed. Give up now." thing going on, and, as a result, I'm mildly irritable and generally a little frustrated. I was worse earlier in the day, though, and, having eaten some an hour or two ago, I'm feeling a bit better, and I've gone from "I can't do anything!" to "I'm gonna do stuff anyways!"

I'll probably do some yoga or some light workout later, and then watch Dollhouse, and then read for maybe two hours, and then go to sleep, but, who knows? Maybe I'll do more.

Here, have a playlist post I put up on tumblr. I figure, since I've secretly always wanted to be a radio DJ, I might as well work on makin' some playlists, right? If I wanna do it (be a radio DJ), I've gotta goshdarn do it!

Sorry this post is so scattered! I'm sure that post will be much better!
What would you five think about me starting up occasional fitness-related posts?

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