Friday, August 30, 2013

Fictional reality

Every now and then, it's nighttime, and everyone, or almost everyone, I know has gone to sleep, and I'm still awake, and I'm surfing the internet, or reading a book, but I'm not fully absorbed into something, and my mind wanders, and I notice that I've begun to start picking at things in my life, that I've begun to start seeing problems where everything's fine or good or great, and I force myself to go to bed, I remind myself that it's never good to make rash decisions at 2 in the morning, that what I suddenly feel like I need to "fix" is most likely not even broken, but just seems like it is because it's dark and there are shadows and I can't see things clearly at night.
I think that won't happen as much once the school year starts as it has been happening lately. It didn't really happen last school year, or at least not enough for me to notice and realize what was actually happening. I think it's the free time, the freedom but the lack thereof that comes of not being able to drive, not yet having a working bike, not having many friends who are able to, much less are available to, drive me places.
It gets lonely up in my attic room, but it's so warm up there that I can barely be bothered to just walk down a few stairs to go see my mom or my grandmother, to call a friend, to do anything, and I know that the loneliness will pass if I just wait.
Waiting's not my ideal solution, but it'll do.

I finished Dollhouse earlier today. I'll have to find a new show now that I've finished Buffy and Firefly and Dollhouse. I'll have to find a new bit of fiction to suck me in and keep me from inventing problems that don't exist.

I like a little bit of fiction with my reality. Going too long without a dose of the impossible, without a story with witty characters who have their own "real" problems that may be made up but are still more real than the ones I come up with are, starts messing with me. I need help getting perspective. After all, at least I'm not responsible for an apocalypse. At least I haven't died twice and lost countless loved ones. At least I'm not a leaf on the wind.

Any TV recommendations?

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