Monday, August 19, 2013

She works hard for the money

So, I recently (accidentally) got a job as a math tutor, and more specifically a statistics tutor, and, my last two/first two sessions were pretty much fine, and at longest 2 hours, but today's session was 3.5 hours, and I. Am. Exhausted.

My cat woke me up 45 minutes before my alarm was meant to go off, and then caused trouble until I pulled myself out of bed.
I ate toast and drank some poorly made coffee.
I got ready, and headed on over.
And we worked on stats.
And worked on stats.
And worked. On. Stats.

I came home, ate (my stomach had been growling so much the last half hour of the session!), and curled up in bed... for about ten minutes, after which I had to move on to my next engagement (which is going on right now, and isn't tutoring or anything I shouldn't be online for, I promise).

After this (two hours from now), I'm gonna work out, sleep, watch some Dollhouse, read, and do some interior design-y things, and not necessarily in that order.

So far, all I've bought with money from my new job is a book, Notes From A Coma by Mike McCormack, which I have yet to start.

Speaking of books I have yet to start, because I got into a certain program at my school, I have to read two books over the summer, and have just recently found out what they are, and have yet to even think too hard about starting them. They sound interesting! I just haven't gotten started on them yet.

My summer will be ending soon, and I've only got so many days left to get done everything I've been planning to do. I know some of the things on my summer bucket list won't happen, but I'm hoping I can cross at least a few things off soon.

Do any of y'all have anything you're trying to squeeze in in these last few weeks of summer?

Another picture from that little camping trip I keep going on about.

ALSO, do any of you have an Instax camera? I've been wanting one for a while, but I'm wondering if they're worth the price and if they live up to the hype.

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