Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A fair, a hike, and a birthday

A few days ago, some friends and I went to our local fair, and spent the day going on rides (the easy, slow ones for me, the more, um, adventurous for some of my friends). We must have gone on the ferris wheel half a dozen times! I eventually got comfortable enough with the heights and the surprising speed of the wheel that I could pull my legs up in my seat, as shown in the second picture.

A few days after that, a friend and I went hiking. It wasn't a very long hike, but it was a nice one. We hiked, tried geocaching, ate some nice food, played tennis, I rolled down a hill, and then we went swimming for a while and called it a day.

And, yesterday, I turned 17. I didn't do too much. Woke up late, had breakfast, eventually went shopping with my mom and grandmother. They bought me some staple items I've needed or wanted for a while (better toothpaste, new razors), and I got myself a salad and a bowl of banana cream pie/"yellow" cake batter frozen yogurt, and we headed home. It wasn't a terribly exciting birthday, but it was still a very nice one.

I was only asked once if I "felt" 17. I'm not really sure how I feel. Nervous, maybe, because I'm growing up? I'm going off to college in the fall. Soon, I'll be a legal adult.

Life stuff is scary.

How are you?

1 comment:

  1. lovely pictures lady! and happy birthday! To be honest, stay young! haha, life just adds on when you get older, though it's still fun it's hard to find that fun.
