Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A playlist and a promise

I, Violet Lastnamehere, hereby declare that I will post pictures of the finished product of my current sewing project, even if said finished product is horribly ugly and a complete disaster and actually not really even finished, assuming something goes wrong partway through and I just give up.

I'm making a bag with bunting-like accents hand-sewn on, for my mom, and I'm not using a pattern or anything, and I just really hope it's not too horrifically ugly. I mean, I'm using old shirts and old khaki pants to make it, so it's probably not going to be *~*gorgeous*~* or anything, but, still. Hopefully it'll turn out okay (or cute, even!).

Furthermore, I, Violet Lastnamehere, hereby declare that, when I'm finally able to get my hands on some damn popsicle molds, I will post pictures of the strawberry and lemonade popsicles I've been wanting to try making for the past 24 hours, even if they, too, turn out horribly.

I will now leave you with a link to this playlist, which I love even though I haven't listened to everything on it yet (it's huge!). It's by the girl who runs this tumblr, which is the best.

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