Friday, July 26, 2013

A headband, a coffee shop, and weird candies (and a playlist!)

Hello, gentle readers.*

So, I don't fancy myself a fashion blogger, but I've decided it's okay to occasionally indulge the part of me that's always wanted to be a fashion designer, that made a full fashion design portfolio a few years ago, and that did a big presentation on just what it means to be a fashion designer, by making it okay to post outfits I like well enough.

Today, it wasn't really my outfit that I liked so much as it was the hair-do I decided to try out. I'd seen a girl at orientation with a similar hairstyle, but her short hair made it look cooler and edgier than my long only-ever-been-cut-thrice hair is capable of looking in up-do's. Still, I liked how it looked, and I especially liked how cool it kept me in this heat. I'd forgotten how much cooler I felt (in temperature, haha) with my hair off my neck in the summer. I think I might actually do things with my hair occasionally from now on, then...! Shocking and terribly interesting, I know.

Ooo, iPhone quality! Yay!

Today, aside from doing a hair thing**, I went to the local coffee shop and met a friend there, and we talked and we got coffees and we looked at stuff on my laptop and it was a nice, relaxing way to spend the afternoon. He left, and I read some of Starship Titanic while I waited for my ride home***. If you haven't heard of Starship Titanic, and, if you like Monty Python or anything by Douglas Adams, I think it's the book for you. Based on a storyline by Douglas Adams, and written by Terry Jones, it's silly and ridiculous and fun and absorbing. Terry Jones has a blunt, dry way of stating ridiculous things that's similar to Douglas Adams' writing style, but is just a little bit less wordy. I'm not very far in it (I've been busy!), but I already kinda love it.

Not related to the coffee shop or the book, but related to the picture above this one: I just recently found these sandals in my house, and they're some of the only sandals in my house, and certainly the best-fitting ones I've ever been able to find here. So I've claimed them. I don't know whose they were before, but they're mine now.
While my friend and I were looking up silly things on my laptop, we came across "Milk Bottle" gummies. They're (apparently) milk-flavored gummies, and they're made by Haribo (and by several other candy companies). Apparently, there's a big-enough market for milk-flavored candy that more than one company has decided to invest money in its production, which is... weird. And also kinda great. And I'm gonna buy some. They may be awful, but I need to try them.****

When I went to orientation, I got on the college radio station's email list. I've always secretly***** wanted to be a radio DJ, but I have no idea if I'd be any good. Regardless, though, I've made a playlist as, I suppose, practice. I may decide I don't really want to be a radio DJ, but maybe I'll get really into it and do it professionally. Probably not, but who knows?
Anyways, here's an on-the-spot playlist:

*Actually just made myself shudder. Also, I have no way of knowing whether or not you're gentle. You could be vicious, for all I know.
**Yes, good use of the English language, Violet.
***I started Driver's Ed last summer... and never finished it. And, since then, for various reasons, I've become scared of driving. How about I just get a rowboat and row everywhere? Would that be okay with everyone? Wait, no: Nevermind. I don't care what the answer to that is. I'm gonna get a rowboat and just row everywhere I need to go. Transportation problem solved.
**** There are also "Milkshake" gummies!
*****Not so secretly now that I'm blogging about it, but...******
******Are my footnotes getting out of hand? Is 6 too many?*******
*******I don't care.

1 comment:

  1. Love your head scarf. I need to get these back into circulation again! x
