Thursday, July 25, 2013

Liebster award!

I was nominated for the Liebster Award, which helps bring recognition to up-and-coming blogs with under 200 followers. I was nominated by Nicole of Elegance With A Touch Of Glitter (thank you!). Nicole has a really neat blog, with DIY and fashion and beauty and some college advice (love it!), and lots of pretty pictures!

This post explains that there is no real award... The Liebster award essentially appears to be a way to suggest new blogs to other people, and to find blogs with smaller audiences. (So, I suppose, if you're nominated, you've "won.")


1. You must link the blogger who nominated you.
2. You must list 10 random facts about yourself.
3. You must answer 10 questions given to you by your nominee.
4. You must choose 10 bloggers (who all have less than 200 followers) to be nominated for the award.
5. You must come up with 10 questions for the nominees to answer.
6. Once you have done this you must go to their blog and let them know you have nominated them for this award.

Random Facts:
  1. I have a cross-eyed cat named Kitty. One of my covers features many clips of her.
  2. I've moved maybe 7 times.
  3. I've gone to maybe 9 schools.
  4. I think I want to major in Animal Science, Environmental Science, Hydrology, or Atmospheric Science, with a double major in Film Studies... But I'm not sure yet!
  5. I love everything Joss Whedon!
  6. I love interior design and daydream about decorating all the time.
  7. I really, really, really love rowboats and have since the first time I rowed one, when I was maybe 8 or 9.
  8. Even though my name is Violet, my favorite color is blue. (Violet is my second favorite color, though!)
  9. For a few years in elementary school, I was a complete tomboy and call myself Joe Tuxedo ("Private Eye"). 
  10. I went to the Tour de Nerdfighting (The Fault in Our Stars Tour) 2012! I have two signed copies of The Fault in Our Stars!

1. What are your 3 favorite makeup items?
Boudoir Eyes from Too Faced, Korres Pomegranate Lip Butter, and a marbled eyeshadow from MAC that I got as a gift and is no longer sold in stores!
2. What is your favorite store to shop in?
Ooo, toughie... I try to avoid stores that clearly only sell imported goods, for humanitarian reasons, but that's not always possible. I like thrift stores, because I feel good about re-using things, but, when I need something new, I normally go to Target.
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
The Shetland Islands! Specifically Lerwick! I've been there before, but I just love it. I also want to go to Australia, though!
4. Tea or coffee?
Oh, another toughie! I guess tea, but I've recently found a few coffees I like, too.
5. Do you have any pets?
Yes! See random fact #1!
6. If you could have any job, what would it be?
I'd love to work on something with Joss Whedon, but I'd also love to be in a position to help solve some of the big environmental and humanitarian problems we're facing.
7. What is your favorite dessert?
Frozen yogurt or cheesecake!
8. Do you collect anything? If yes, what is it?
No! I used to collect pins, Pokemon cards, and rubber bracelets, but not anymore!
9.  What is your favorite season?
Winter, but I love all the seasons for different reasons! (Rhymes!)
10. Describe your music taste.
I like "indie" acoustic music, and oldies, but I also love Ke$ha, so...

  1. Amy from Seafoam Eyes.
  2. Heidi from acciolondon.
  3. Natalie from a natalie moment.
  4. Alex from Where The Fancy Things Are.
  5. Kaylie from word doodles.
  6. Lina from from lina.
  7. Mayte from anchors.
  8. Victoria from The Best Deceptions.
  9. Shelby at shelbyisms.
  10. Maggie at marvelous meandering.
  1. What's your ideal breakfast?
  2. Big city or small country town? Why?
  3. Sunset or sunrise? Why?
  4. If you could be any animal for an hour, what animal would you be, and why?
  5. Have you ever left your country? If so, where did you go? If not, would you like to? Where would you like to go?
  6. What's your favorite TV show, movie, or book, and why?
  7. What's your favorite blog?
  8. What's your favorite plant? Why?
  9. What is your favorite item of clothing? Why?
  10. What is your favorite element? Why?
And, now, to let my nominees know they've been nominated!

EDIT: Leaving those comments felt really awkward... Sorry, nominees! Haha.


  1. Aw thank you :) I've already been given a Liebster, and just did a post on it a few days ago, but this was super sweet.

    I'll answer the questions in the comment if that's okay!

    What's your ideal breakfast? I love breakfast foods far too much to choose one, perhaps I could be at a buffet with all kinds of breakfast foods?

    Big city or small country town? Why? I like small towns that are close to big cities. I grew up in a city, so I'm spoiled by the connivence, but I would love to live in a small country home.

    Sunset or sunrise? Why? Sunrise, because I don't see them often enough.
    If you could be any animal for an hour, what animal would you be, and why?

    Have you ever left your country? If so, where did you go? If not, would you like to? Where would you like to go? I've not left the country. I'd love to travel though, Scotland, Russia, Japan, Spain...

    What's your favorite TV show, movie, or book, and why? Oh my. TV: Hannibal and Supernatural. Movie: The Brother's Bloom. Book: The Ocean at the End of the Lane.

    What's your favorite blog? I don't have one favorite... obviously all my blog friends, and Kaylah from The Dainty Squid

    What's your favorite plant? Why? I like yellow flowers of any variety.

    What is your favorite item of clothing? Why? I just bought a grey sweater for three dollars. I love it.

    What is your favorite element? Why? Earth. I don't really have a why...

    (apologies for the lengthy comment)

  2. Thank you, Violet! I'll get to this eventually!
