Monday, July 1, 2013

Compensating and self-motivating

Two posts in one day after months of radio silence? What?

Alright, it's possible I'm trying to make up for all those days and weeks and months during which I went about my merry way with no recollection whatsoever of this little old blog.

But here's the thing: I said in my earlier post that I couldn't promise I'd keep posting on this blog. Well, I'm still not gonna promise anything, but I came to this sudden realization after that last post and before this one that blogger and the blogs I follow really inspire me to do stuff. I mean, after writing and publishing that post, I looked through a few blogs I liked (and a few I have mixed feelings about but still like to turn to for inspiration), and then I suddenly decided I wanted to sew stuff. Now, last summer, I'd look at blogger a lot, and I'd get really, really inspired to do things. I wouldn't always go through with actually doing those things, but I'd at least be inspired to think about them. So, today, I decided I wanted to sew. So I started sewing. I'm nowhere near done with this, my first project (a bag with bunting-like accents for my mom), but I've started, and that's more than what I've been doing while hiding from the heat and recovering from the school year.
I think I'm done recovering! Or, at least, I'm gonna try to be. I'm gonna do stuff and have fun and be creative and be productive and that's that!

Or, well, we'll see.

And I'm gonna keep posting, I think. I'll post things about my projects, about artistic things I've done, purely wordy posts like my old ones, update/thought posts like this one, and maybe I'll even post some things I've written.

Again: we'll see.

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