Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I done got orientated

I had college orientation from Monday to Tuesday and I'm so excited! I've registered for classes, I've gotten on the marching band email list (I'm considering joining), the radio station email list (I've always dreamed of DJ-ing, but I could also just volunteer some other way), I've asked questions, I want to work on the student farm, in the dining commons, with student housing, as an orientation leader... I want to take this animal science class where I could just work with goats or sheep or cows for three hours, and then talk to their full-time care-taker for an hour, once a week. I wanna join the feminist club and the swing club and maybe s'more clubs. I wanna take kick-boxing classes and swimming classes (so I can finally have GOOD FORM!) and ballet classes at the recreation center. I wanna take a class on water pollution and air pollution and film-making and women's studies. I wanna volunteer in the Sexual Assault Prevention Center and the Women's Resources Center. I wanna ask the lady who came to speak for the Sexual Assault Prevention Center if she's heard of the awesome Vlogbrother-founded YouTube channel Sexplanations, because I think it could be a good resource to suggest to students who don't maybe have the time or guts to go in in person to ask their questions. I wanna take a class by her, if she's a professor (she said something about teaching a class). I wanna use the late-night study rooms. I wanna take part in dorm-wide shenanigans. I wanna do well in classes. I wanna do really well in classes. I wanna eat healthy and be healthy and be strong and be stronger. I wanna get better at biking. I wanna use all the machines at the gym. I wanna maybe take Zumba or a spin class or a yoga class, or at least try them out free for a week, just to see what all the hype is about. I wanna maybe participate in an open mic (and I wanna do an acoustic cover of a Ke$ha song there). I wanna bike and run around the Arboretum. I wanna make friends -- good, fun, close friends. I wanna go to football games (and maybe march with the band for some) and get super into it and be a part of the school spirit club and forget that idea that to be enthusiastic is stupid and dorky and embarrassing, because, ya know what? Being enthusiastic is damn cool. And it's fun.

I wanna do stuff.

So, I'm gonna do stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Violet! I have really enjoyed reading your blog and have decided to nominate you for the Leibster Blog Award. Check out my blog for more information on the award!

